The Hopping In Blog

Daycare tips and information

Setting up a classroom for your daycare

Published by Hopping In Staff on
Setting up the your classroom can have a big impact on the children in the classroom and the overall feel of your daycare center. While there are different strategies about the initial room setups, it's important to consider how often the decor should change and evolve ... Read More

7 Steps for Giving a Great Home Daycare Tour

Published by Hopping In Staff on
You’ve polished your home daycare, made sure you’ve got all the materials and now it’s finally time to start winning over potential customers. How? By giving a great home daycare tour.Here are the only 7 steps you’ll need to make the customers fall in love with your... Read More

How to Start a Home Daycare

Published by Hopping In Staff on
Quality child care is always in demand. Parents today work more than ever, so it means the world to have someone they can trust to keep their children safe and happy.If you want to start a home daycare and provide superb child care from the very start, we’ve prepared the guide to eve... Read More
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